A - Z Challenge

X-rays and tracheobronchitis and sinusitis


The little one was only six months old when he caught his first bout of tracheobronchitis and sinusitis. When babies have it then you are guaranteed to be sent to the radiology ward and the pathologist for various tests to check that there isn’t anything more sinister going on.

If you have ever cared for a sick baby you know it is the worst thing in the world. You feel helpless and as tired as baby feels. The worst part is that there is nothing you can do, but administer the medicine and hope for the best.

This wasn’t my first time in the radiology ward. I’ve been there plenty of times for the same affliction and I decided to visit a few radiology wards for a job shadowing project we had at high school.

My mother had high hopes of me becoming a doctor (I’m more of a creative type and I faint at the sight of blood), so I scrapped that and decided to become a writer, illustrator and stay at home mom instead (sorry Mom).

I thought radiology wouldn’t be a bad alternative to becoming a doctor. I went to three different hospitals and three different wards with three varying types of equipment. One used a dark room, the other used a mix of dark room and digital and the last one was fully state of the art digital.

The staff members were friendly and showed me around the ward and what I’d have to do. I wasn’t sure if they wanted a day off or they wanted to give me real hands on experience that would stay with me forever. Let’s just say at the end of it all I was not convinced that it was the career path for me.

Fast forward to my little boy screaming (so that the entire hospital could hear that we were obviously trying to murder him at the hospital) as his lead apron clad parents try to force him to lay down so they can get a good shot of his lungs. This took forever. We turned him around and around and around, because the x-rays were not clear enough. I can’t tell you how long it took, but it felt like ten days! Finally it was over and we went home.

The x-rays were taken to our paediatrician who gave the little one the all clear. It was tracheobronchitis and sinusitis – nothing more.


Have you ever had to take a little one for x-rays? What was your experience with x-rays? Let me know by commenting below!


Love and Blessings,

Lindsay Sign Off

*Featured Image found on pixabay.com

8 thoughts on “X-rays and tracheobronchitis and sinusitis

  1. One set of X-rays when he was 14 and broke a big toe learning the handspring in gymnastics. There was a different scare when he was 3 — but that involved a spinal tap, and I had to hold his head perfectly still. He lay as still as a rock, but screamed and screamed from the pain. “Is it over? It hurts! Are they done? it hurts!! Can they stop? It hurts!!!”

    I stood there crying.


  2. Oh it’s a horrible thing to hear your baby scream and you can only stand there! You poor darling! My son was 2 when he had to have a spinal fluid extraction. They tied him down and asked me to leave the room. I looked into his eyes and my heart broke. I told the Doctor, No. If he can handle it I can handle it. I looked into his eyes the entire procedure and sang to him. He was my miracle baby and I felt that if I left I would be betraying his trust.

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  3. Lindsay, I have horrible thoughts of when my one daughter was three and a half and was admitted to hospital, the needle prodding finding veins, spinal tap (lumbar puncture), you name it, it happened …even thinking about it now, I can’t even write about it in detail, it just breaks my heart.
    I can just imagine what you went through though ….

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