
How to Personalize Your Posts (Without Telling Your Business)

I love this post by Pearls Before Swine about how to personalize your posts without telling your business. It is so helpful to all bloggers.

The PBS Blog


If you’re like me, you’ve wondered how to be as genuine as possible in writing online but without being too personal. I understand some people are extremely open but I’m not. Telling my personal business is not something I do in real life, let alone online. However, to relate to people does require some level of openness. How does one balance this? Here’re some things I’ve tried doing on this blog to help you to relate to me personally without being too detailed:

  1. Talk to Us, Not at Us

You are not my fans and this is not a stage. We hear it over and over again the importance of writing in a conversational manner. This means to approach your blog as if the people reading (that’s us) are actually sitting right across from your breakfast table sipping coffee or maybe sitting on the couch laughing and you’re…

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11 thoughts on “How to Personalize Your Posts (Without Telling Your Business)

      1. I am well, thank you! Climbing my way back to the top of all the work that’s waited for me to give it the attention it requires. I hope you and your lovely family are well, too. 🙂


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