
Manifestation Monday: Family Affirmations

There’s something about the holidays that just brings family members together. I have seen more family members in these past two months than I have all year and this number will just increase on Christmas Day. This provided inspiration for me to share a few family quotes and affirmations with you today. I would like… Continue reading Manifestation Monday: Family Affirmations


Manifestation Monday: Rest Affirmations

It seems like the festive season is in full swing here in South Africa. There’s so much traffic on the roads, sales leaflets are stuffed into our mailbox almost daily and the malls are absolutely packed with eager holiday shoppers. The holidays have come around, but how many of us actually spend this time resting… Continue reading Manifestation Monday: Rest Affirmations


Manifestation Monday: Clarity Affirmations

Hello there and welcome to Manifestation Monday. The focus of today’s post is clarity. I’ve been battling with foggy thoughts these days. Most days feel like I can hardly cope with what I have to deal with. I hope these affirmations bring me closer to the clarity I need so desperately right now. Feel free… Continue reading Manifestation Monday: Clarity Affirmations